Chesterfield County Public Schools Better Together

Got Growth Mindset? You Should!

Family and Community Engagement, Cat Tompkins

What kind of mindset do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? A person with a “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any significant way, and if we experience success it is because we are a "natural" at certain tasks. On the other hand, a person with a “growth mindset,” is up for a challenge and sees failure as evidence opportunity for growth. We can manifest a fixed or growth mindset from a very early age, and it affects us in both personal ways and ultimately professional ways. It can even make a difference in our overall happiness. 

In this episode of the Engage Chesterfield podcast, you will learn the characteristics of a Growth mindset, the difference between growth and fixed mindset, learn how mindset affects learning, and discover ways that you can help foster growth mindset with your children or students. In addition, our three expert CCPS teachers, Shelby Bartilotti, Paula Spencer, and Erin Guthe share the positive impacts of using growth mindset strategies in the classroom.

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